Happy New Year

I hope that you all had fabulous holidays and a great New Year's celebration!  Ours was very low key, since the Mister was on-call for work.  Which is just fine with us.  We had his cousin over with her kiddos, which was a lot of fun.  The kids had fun playing board games and hide-n-go-seek, so, it really turned into a great family game night.  One that was loooong overdue. 
 (Bubba and cousin "C" play Headbandz: Disney)
(Cousin Carrie with almost all the kiddos, we lost a trooper before midnight, he was pooped)
A long with snacks and root beer floats the night was capped off with sparklers and a few fireworks at midnight. It was a great time to be had by all!

What I really want to know is, how many of you are all about New Year's resolutions?   I always seem to have great intentions on improving myself, but then they switch a little and I tend to make them more as Goals-for-the-Year, then as resolutions. 

I mean really?  How many of us have the "resolution" to lose weight?  Eat better?  Exercise more?  See family more often?  Or fix this/that?  Spend less?  Be on time?  When honestly, not all of that is fixable or changeable overnight, but is a goal that you work on for the whole year to better yourself.  A constant work in progress. I believe that all of us could use some changes, because no one is perfect, and you get there by making small goals that lead up to that big goal that you have. It's all about baby steps people, baby steps.
So, with that, here are a few things that I would like to accomplish for the next year around our house.  After all, this really is the reason behind me starting this blog.

One of my goals was to start a blog.  Well, I've started it!  (Head start on the 2013 goals, and starting is always half the battle)  I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but was hesitant.  I thought, "I don't have time" or "There are so many other blogs out there" or "What will I blog about?"  I finally took the leap because I was noticing some things about myself...I love to be crafty, I love to be working with my hands.  Whether it's building something, or sewing or crafting.  However, I noticed something else about myself.  I start these wonderful things, but never actually finish them 100%.  I always have just a little bit more to complete on each project.  Like touch up paint in the laundry room or hanging the decorations in my son's room.   There is always something that keeps me from completing the project all the way.  Now, I thought to myself, and decided that having my ideas and projects out there on the web, where everyone can read and see what I'm working on will make me more accountable for....COMPLETING THEM!!!!  I mean, honestly, enough already.   Half finished projects all over the place.   Ridiculous.  That's what it is.  Straight up ridiculous, which also leads to disorganization and one of my resolutions for 2013 is to be more organized.
So here we go, I'm going to list out all my "goals" for 2013, just for the house and decorating.   Let's see how well I do through this next year.  Not necessarily in the listed order.  Side note: the more you read this blog, you will notice that I won't actually list the kiddo's name; more for privacy issues for them, than anything.
1)  Redo Baby-girl's room  (Big plans here, for this special girl)

2)  Redo Firecracker's room  (Can't wait to work on this pre-teen's room)
3)  Redo Hotrod's room (Gone from child to teen in the blink of an eye, his room is long overdue)
4)  Redo the hallway
5)  Get organized..create a working system for our family.
6)  Craft Room...again (just can't seem to get it right)
7)  Update the playroom...again
8)  Yard...I was going to say front yard, but honestly, who am I kidding?  If you've been to my house, you know the back yard needs some love (thank you kids and dogs!)
9)  Finish up ALL the started and not finished projects

I could add A LOT more to this list, and maybe I will, when everything else is completed.  There is a lot, but I don't want to make my goals unrealistic.   I believe that tends happens to a lot of us.  We set the bar so high that we can't reach it to accomplish anything.

Do I dare list some of my personal resolutions?  Sure, why not, let's put it out there!

1)  Spend the most time with my little family as possible, they are growing too, too fast.
2)  Cook more
3)  Get more organized  (added that in 3x, must mean something)
4)  Create a Meal Plan Monday routine

So, let's toast to a wonderful, goal filled 2013, and may it be the best year for you and everything prosper you may do.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - C.S. Lewis

What are some of your 2013 resolutions?   Goals?  I would love to hear them!


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