ORC: Week One - Built-Ins & Overthinking

 Well, here we are at week one of the One Room Challenge and I have officially wasted a full week overthinking my base cabinets.  

I was so excited.  Ordered them online from The Home Depot, got curbside pick up.  Got them home and placed them in their new spots and instant buyers remorse.   What had I done?   I started sending pics to those closest to me and asking their opinions.  The icing on the cake was when the hubby got home and immediately said, "Holy smokes those things are HUGE!"

I went on Instagram Stories and asked for your opinions, which was 50/50, so that didn't help at all....hahaha   

then started using painters tape to fuel my vision.  I am such a visual person that I really need to see that what was currently in my home was not too large, cumbersome, bulky, and literally ruining my vision for built-ins.   

I asked friends to check it out when they stopped by.  Friends!!!  It was still 50/50 with everyone's opinions!!! 

At the end of the day I needed to go with my gut (as well as my husbands) and I just needed to suck it up and return the base cabinets I was originally so excited for.

Here is a little preview of the cabinets in the room, the room rearranged as well as painters tape for visualization with shelving and how far the shelves would come out into the room, etc.

I needed to come up with a better solution.  Something that would meet both mine and hubby's visions for this space.   The cabinets I originally purchased were 24" deep.  That was just too deep.  The next size down is 12" and too shallow for what I wanted.  Ideally we needed to find something that was 18" deep, which they do not make/offer.   

Time to put that thinking cap on.  It came to me, just as I was about to fall asleep one night.  Order the 12" cabinets and build a 6" frame out to make the cabinets and countertop become 18" deep.  Easy right?  Nope.  Suddenly the two sizes I needed (30x30x12 & 36x30x12) were either, no longer available, out of production, or unavailable until mid-late November.  That was NOT going to work.  I need this room done before Thanksgiving!

My whole vision was nearly built around this antique wash basin and pitcher.  This was given to me by my mother in law before she passed away.  I have loved it for years and then I was head over heals when she gave it to me. 

I wanted it to sit on the left side of the fireplace, the bigger of the two sections of wall but it was too big sit on just the 12" deep cabinets.  It would have hung over and the potential risk of it getting bumped or falling was too great of a for me to take.  That is why I originally selected with the 24" base cabinets.   However, as you can see, they just over powered the whole room.

(This is showing what a 12" cabinet would look like up against the wall)

So after a week of overthinking and feeling disappointed, as well as feeling stuck with the 24" cabinets, I got another idea late at night.  Instead of ordering 2 @ 30"wide x"24" deep, order 4 @ 15"x 12" and instead of 1 @ 36"x24", I could order 2 @ 18"x12".  (I hope I didn't lose anyone with the math there.)  Our fireplace is not center on the wall, of course not, nothing can be simple; so one side is 63" wide and the other is 40" wide.  We will need to install some filler pieces, but that's okay because now our plan has changed a little.

Let's recap the last 7 days.  Here is the room with the original 24" deep base cabinets.

Now, here it is with the 12" deep cabinets, sitting away from the wall 6" to give the illusion of 18" cabinets.  


What do you think?  I'm ready to put this to rest and move forward with the room!!!!


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