Pallet to Potting Bench

This last summer I was so inspired by all the potting benches that were being made via Pinterest and I just love re-purposing old pallets into something, plus, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on making one. I took four old pallets that were donated to me and turned them into a wonderful potting bench for my back deck. Sorry for the terrible cell phone photos!

I actually left 2 of the pallets alone, and I disassembled the other 2.

1)     I took the slats from the disassembled pallets and started to place them in between the slats on the pallets that were still together.  You can kind of see that in the bottom two pallets there in the picture.  

2)     After I had them placed exactly the way I wanted them too, I secured them by screwing them down.   That was the top of my bench, and the bottom.

3)     The Mister had some 2x4's leftover in the garage, so I just measured how tall I wanted the bench to be.  Which is about my mid-section, because I didn't want to be hunched over while planting in my pots.

4)     Just screwed the 2x4's into the top and bottom of the pallets.   I had to have a little help with this one.  Since The Mister was out of town, the kiddo's helped me out.  Holding it, while the level was on the wood, making sure that everything was squared up.

It might not stay on the top deck, I might move it down below, but for right now. I love it and I love where I have it.


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