Geeking out

Okay, I've been a blog addict for a while now.   Those of you, that are close to me...know this obsession about me.  It all started with, somehow falling upon this one blog.  Young House Love.  I read their blog every morning, with my cup of tea, just part of my routine.  These two, fun to read about, drool over projects, inspirational people, parents to the adorable Clara, John and Sherry, it's hard to not fall in love with them/their blog. 

Then they wrote a book.

I then bought that book.
 Then, they put Portland on their book signing tour.  (squeal!!!)
And then...the geeking started!
Today was their day in Portland.  And I geeked.  I brought my girls with me, and they watched me geek, not a pretty site.  Sorry girls!  We had ceramic birds signed.  My Valentine's decoration...Love birds.  (Get it?  haha, I'm a dork, I know)   We had a book signed.  Photos taken.  My little, meet a blogging celebrity, moment has. Made. My. Day!
They are such sweet people!
Who is someone you would love to meet?   Is there someone/or people that give you inspiration?


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