Closets & Benches and unfinished projects

Have you ever started a project, get into it, love what you think the vision, your end result will be?   And then just lose steam?  I have.  All.  The.  Stinking.  Time!   It's my biggest pet peeve that I have with myself.  It's of the reasons I started the blog, was to be accountable for my unfinished projects.  And yet, I still haven't finished a projected that I started. . . over. . .a . . . year . . . ago.  Yes.  It's terrible.  I know.  Maybe that's the way it with everyone, but it certainly isn't the way I want it to be with me.  New Year, New Changes, New Me.

So let me tell you about this project.  It all started when I started to redo Bubba's room, which you can check out here, and I was thinking about how I was going to redo our hallway.  We have poor lighting in this hallway.  I want to redo the paint color, but also wanted something more.  Something brighter.  Something that seemed to open the hallway up.  Something.....but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Getting anything out of the hallway closet was a pain as well.  You see, the door would swing open to the left.  Which blocked the only light that we had in the hallway that we could use to see into the closet.  The lights from the entry way, just didn't cut it.  Not to mention, I hated that the door would be open and you couldn't walk around it, when someone was getting their coat, backpacks, etc.; so you were stuck...waiting...for them to finish doing what they were doing.
Door hinge was on the left side of the door frame.  It would block the light, that I am standing under, and provided zero walking ability through the hallway.  It's very narrow.

Now, bring in the wonderful creative mind of Shelly Smith over at House of Smith's, I may or may not have a  crush on this blogger and her creativity.  The timing could not have even been more appropriate.  You see, she, at the time, had just expanded her hallway closet into this wonderful sitting bench area.  Now, I couldn't expand my closet like she could, because Bubba's room was on the other side of the wall, and he needs all the space he can get.  I immediately called my bff Lindsey, the one I bounce all these ideas off of, and was rambling like a fool about this project.  She agreed it would be great for my home.

So, I did what I do best.  Started a project when The Mister was out of town!!  :)  He actually fears going out of town, because he has no idea WHAT I am up too or what I will be trying to take on in his absence.  I'm sneaky like that. He leaves for a business trip next week!  What will I tackle?   I have about 42 things in my mind, but only 1 will really get done.

This my friends, is where I have been left at.  For over a year.  I still have TONS to do.  Some little things, but things I've put off nonetheless.

  • caulk
  • sanding
  • putty in nail holes
  • another coat of brown paint
  • all over coat of white paint
  • finish the bottom of the cushion with piping
  • hang the hooks
  • add some lighting
  • make covers for the wire baskets
  • make a basket/box/drawer for the bottom
  • paint or stain the drawer?
  • Paint the hallway, lighter and brighter

This, of course, leads me into what I REALLY want to do in our hallway.  So, geez, GET ON IT ALREADY, KATIE!!!!

Do you have any projects that just seem to drag on?  What is on your to-do list this weekend?  Finishing up any projects, like I am? 


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