Hey Girl!

We've all seen the Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" memes that are all over Pinterest.  Well, these Five Fabulous bloggers are hosting a "Hey Girl" link party;  View Along The Way, Decor and the Dog, Bliss Ranch, Two Twenty One and Domesic Imperfection.  This is a fun way to show some Valentine's Love for my main man. 
Anyone, who knows The Mister and I, knows that we are in such love that we are inseparable.  I thought this would be easy, you know, since I've been with The Mister, for-ever.   But it was a little harder than I thought.  Trying to find the perfect picture to go with the perfect "Hey Girl" was a little tricky, too.  However, once I got into my groove, I could have done a gazillion more of these.
How do you not fall in love, even more, with a man that falls asleep with their babies?
Cheers baby!  You love me and you know it!
Happens every. Single. Time. I rent a movie
Working on it, baby, working on it.
You're the best, Honey!
Just babies!  He had no idea (yes he did) what he was getting into that day.  :)
I love this man with all my heart, he knows it.  We were just a couple of young teens with nothing but hopes and dreams in our eyes.  Thanks babe for going on this wild ride with me.
The day our family was complete and turned into a family of 6
Happy Valentine's Day baby! 


  1. I so look forward to renting movies because I pick them out. And yup.... I fall asleep too.


  2. Watching the chick flicks while you fall asleep broke me up! Well done!

  3. The chick flick one was my favorite too! I am SO guilty of that! Or I browse pinterest while I watch, and forget to pay attention, then make my husband explain what I miss. Our poor men! :) Thanks so much for the laugh!

  4. I only have one question - can I borrow him next time I want to go shopping?!

  5. These are the BEST! I'm a fall asleep to movies girl myself :-)

    1. Thank you! I had a lot of fun making them. It was hard to stop. :)


  6. I love your blog. What a beautiful family! You are truly blessed!


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