Scavenger Hunt List

Here is the list that we created for the hunt.   Like I said in my previous post, we live in a small town.  I knew where the kids were going to be stopping.  I planned the scavenger hunt to bring them right to the house and within a certain amount of time. 

Here is our list:

Scavenger Hunt


Things to find:

2001 coin any amount (or the year of the child’s birth)
5 different types of leaves
A twig from a tree
A pine cone
A Smooth Rock
A take-out menu from a local restaurant

Things to photo:

A colored front door (red, yellow, tealanything but white, beige, brown, gray, black)
Smallest house
House with the nicest yard
Someone jogging
Someone walking their dog
Group of flowers in bloom
Things to complete (& photo taken of you doing them):

Swing on the swing set
Hang upside down from the monkey bars
Run 1 lap around the high school track
Play hopscotch (with the smooth rock you found)
Jumping Jack’s in the middle of the football field
Group photo with the local policeman or fireman
Group photo on the slide at the elementary school


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