Shadow Box

If you follow me on Facebook, maybe you'll remember a few months ago I posted this picture.  
I have worked with a very sweet lady for the last 10 years.  She is the most genuine, sweetest, caring person I've probably ever met in my life.  She has announced her retirement for later this year, which really bums me out.  I will miss her.  She is super crafty, she sews, quilts, and she bakes the best cookies...ever. 
She quilts over 300 baby blankets for the NICU at our local hospital, every single year, in her spare time.  So, when she came to me (far too many months ago), asking me to create her a shadow box showcasing all of her mother's antique sewing supplies, I was honored to do so.  I had a vision in my mind and it was just getting it out and into the shadow box that was another story.  When they are done right, they are really a neat project to have displayed on your wall. 
Her mother had some pretty neat sewing supplies and I wanted so showcase all of them.  But something just wasn't clicking.   Was it the layout?   Was it the background fabric?  I just couldn't place it.  Since this was for someone else, I, of course, wanted it P-E-R-F-E-C-T. 

So it took me a while. 

A long while. 

In the end, this is what I came up with. 
She LOVED it!!!!

Have you ever made a shadow box before?  What did you showcase in it? 


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