Meal Plan Monday 6/17/2013

Good Morning!!  I hope all of you had a fabulous weekend and had fun celebrating those father's in your lives.   The Mister was on call for work all weekend, so we laid low on our activities.  Which was fine.  He ended up not getting a call at all yesterday and he was able to enjoy his special day in a very relaxing way.
I, on the other hand, was busy working in the yard.  Working with the garden and more importantly, I was working on sprucing up the front yard.  I also managed to sneak in a little birthday gift for a little buddy of Bubba's.  Which the birthday party is today, so I will post that gift later this week.

As for our meal's, I hope that this week is much better than last week.  Since I was cramming for my test last week, my family had to pretend I wasn't around.   I noticed a few things from that:

1)  Planned meals, unless pre-made by me, were a no go.  They just didn't happen.
2)  Grocery shopping by The Mister and the kids....less than desirable for "good" foods, but he did use coupons (coupons -- for the win!)
3)  Spent way too much money, way too much convenience foods, and way to much take out/restaurant pick up's, etc.

So, since last weeks menu was a FAIL for most of the days, I am going to bring back a few of the items that weren't eaten, before my produce goes to waste.

Monday:  Rotisserie chicken with kale salad, and cantaloupe
Tuesday:  Slow Cooker:  Chicken Enchilada's
Wednesday:  Teriyaki Steak kabobs
Thursday:  Slow Cooker: Garlic Chicken and Couscous

Friday:  Slow Cooker: Greek Chicken Pita Pockets
Saturday:  Chef Salad with dinner rolls
Sunday:  Salmon with herb butter, corn on the cob and Caesar Salad

I hope that you all have a wonderful week!!  There is only 4 more days till the official start of S U M M E R!!


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