How Does Your Garden Grow?

 Tell me, how does your garden grow?  Ours grows very, very s l o w l y.

For as long as I can remember my mother always had a garden.  When we first moved into our home, The Mister had a garden for many years.  Then this year, is the first year, in a very long time that we've had a garden.   I have to admit that we did start the garden much later than anticipated.   We built our own raised garden beds, which, did take us much longer than I had originally planned on.  Darn those busy schedules of ours, always getting in the way of the fun stuff.    ;)

At any rate, after being gone for a week on vacation last week, I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled to come home to this lovely, growing, garden.

I was able to pick my first tomato tonight, as well as some cucumbers.  It won't be long now before everything is producing enough for my family.   Here is a run down on the plants we planted.

Romaine Lettuce
Green Leaf Lettuce
Roma Tomatoes
Hawaiian Pineapple Tomato
(can't wait to make salsa with this one)
Early Girl Tomato
 (group shot of all of our tomatoes)
Pickling Cucumbers
Slicing Cucumbers
Green beans
Lemon Cucumbers
(to shy to make an appearance...aka...not doing to hot)  :(
Then I found this fun little nugget on a vine that I thought was a goner.
I know a lot of you are growing your own gardens this year too.  So tell me, what are your must have produce that you grow?  I already have a list growing for things to grow next year.  Like, pumpkins! 


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