M.I.A and why....

Hello everyone!  I cannot believe that it has been nearly 2 months since the last time I’ve blogged.   Let’s recap about what’s been going on in the Mix of 6 household. 

October:  We celebrated The Mister’s birthday.  Last year the kids and I were able to joke with him that he had been with me for exactly HALF of his life.  J   Now, we get to tell him he’s been with me for over half his life.   As much as he gives me grief, we all know that he secretly loves it.   His birthday was non-eventful; in fact we had the first of our crew come down with a case of the sickies that night.
People!  These sickies are b a d.  Do NOT invite them into your home!  Do not have them over for dinner!   They will wipe you and anyone near you...out.  For the count.  In fact, that is why there was zero blogging, zero remodeling, zero crafts, and zero everything for our house.  Those sickies, literally, knocked us out for the full month of October.   It started with our little Firecracker, and then moved into Daddy, next taking out Bubba, and finally Mommy was attacked. 
Knock on wood, but so far, Hotrod and Baby Girl have been in the clear.

The Mister and I also celebrated our Anniversary.  It was really romantic (sarcasm peeps, total sarcasm).  We were curled up on the couch, drinking chicken noodle soup, sipping green tea and watching more mindless TV than 1 person, much less 2 people should watch in a lifetime.
These sickies stuck around so much and so long, that Bubba nearly missed Halloween.  In fact we never made it to the pumpkin patch.   I’m still upset about that.   We’ve never missed a trip to the pumpkin patch in all my 17 years of being a mommy; we’ve always had pumpkins to carve.  On Halloween night, we met up with my bestie and her beautiful family.   It’s always fun to watch the kids and all their excitement.  We didn’t stay out too long due to Bubba and I not feeling so hot.  However, Hotrod, has really proven to be one of the best biggest brother’s a kid (and mom) could ask for.   He actually decided on his own that he would go out with Firecracker, and her group of friends, just to make sure that they were safe.  I love him.   These girls are great.  They’ve been friends since Kindergarten and have stuck together up to 7th grade.  They are all on the same soccer team as well, and decided that they would go as a theme.  So we had a farmer with her, squirrel, mouse, cow, pig (my personal favorite), scarecrow, cat, and duck.

Plus we had a bunny and a professional dirt bike rider.  :)

Last but not least, there was some very exciting news that was given to us in October.  My sister and her husband have announced that they are expecting their first little bundle of joy.  I could NOT be any more excited for them, than I already am. 
November:  Now that everyone is on the mend, we have finished up the soccer season, and now we are getting through finals week at all the schools.  There have been a lot of studying and quizzing, flash cards and reports being completed at our house. 

We also celebrated a certain beautiful little girl of ours, 11th Birthday this week!

It’s hard to believe that we are over the ½ way through November and that Thanksgiving is next week!   I cannot wait for Thanksgiving.  It has to truly be one of my favorite holidays.   It's as if it kicks off the holiday season for our family and immediately everyone is in the spirit.

What do you for Thanksgiving?  Do you travel?   Do you host all the guests at your house?


  1. Yay! You're blogging again :) I've been waiting for a new post!


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