One...Two...Three...Four, Momma Loves Four

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!   It seemed only right to express my love to my top four loves.   The Mister is in a ball park all of his own.  :)  He stole my heart long ago, and then it started with one.
Then grew to two.
Before we knew it there were three.

Surprise, and boy I do mean SURPRISE there is four!!!  4!  Four beautiful babies.
Four little humans that my hubby and I were ARE getting the pleasure to raise, to hold, love and nourish, to mold into amazing human beings.
We have quite the baby fever going around in our circle right now.

My cousin is expecting their first baby any moment now, my sister is expecting her first baby this spring, our good friends & neighbor's are expecting their first baby in less than a month....all little girl's too!

Then, we just found out my husband's cousin is expecting their 3rd baby in the summer (I am predicting a 3rd boy to their brood, although a girl would be great for both of them, but I still think boy), plus I have a coworker that is expecting their first baby any day now, as well.

So needless to say, I have babies on the brain.   And just to clarify for all my family we are not having anymore.  I will be enjoying all these new little ones as much as I can.

My point of this post is, love those babies.
Hold them.  You can never hold them enough.  Ever. 
  Spoil them with your love.
Cherish them.
Remember how sweet they are when they are sleeping.
How little those tiny fingers and toes are.
Play games with them.
Look at the world through their eyes, where everything is new, beautiful, and wonderment.
Take pictures.
Lots of them.
You will never have too many photos of your little ones.
They are only little once.

My parents always told me it went fast.  Boy they weren't kidding.  It goes by faster than anyone could ever imagine.  Blink of an eye lightening speed.


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