Back to School....Back to Blogging

Hey, hey, hey....I can not believe it's been nearly 5 months since my last post! 5 months!   That's forever.  Nearly 1/2 of this year.  So, far, that is the entire length of my employment at my new job.  See where I'm going? 

Lots have happened in 5 months.  Unfortunately, just not lots around the house, like I had been hoping for.  I think I had to glorious idea in my head that I would be able to get about 3-4 posts, consisting of projects, crafts, recipes, what have you, up on the blog each week.  I really did.  And then....reality hit. And it hit hard.   
Blogging takes a lot of time.  It's enough that the projects take time, but then to add blogging to it.  Wow, was I ever delusional.  I don't blog for income, I blog for friends and family, mostly those out of town, to see what has been happening in and around our family.  So why put that stress on myself?  So, I stopped.  Plus, there is the fact that we both have full time jobs, it's not always in the forefront of my mind, to actually go work on a project that needs completing.  

Which is why my hallway still isn't finished, my daughter's room is at least livable now, but it's not done.  I still have plans for 2 more bathrooms, our entryway and the last remaining child's room to complete.  

Making your house a home is not what is done cosmetically but with who you share your home with.  While I may not have the perfect home that is always magazine ready, or organized the way I envision it.   We have a very lived in home, with 4 children, a husband & wife dynamic duo, 2 dogs, a cat, and we can't forget the hamster.  I have kids who are loved unconditionally, and are making memories daily.
While we have spent the summer enjoying the most of our children and spending time as family, it never feels like it was enough.  I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, I just can't believe how fast our time with them has gone by already.   Enjoy your time with your babies, they grow quickly.    
During the summer we spent a lot of weekends doing some quick trips to The Lake (our favorite place to be), with our friends and we had a lot of weekends at home doing things around the house and hanging out with each other.
2014-2015 school year is bringing our children some major milestones.
We have a high school senior!   HOW is that possible?  I feel like I just graduated high school myself, how can I possibly be the mother of a child that is almost 18?  How can we be parents of a child g-r-a-d-u-a-t-i-n-g???  He only has a few credits to complete before graduating and we have been working with his counselor and starting to work with the community college counselor to see what he needs to move forward with his passion.
Isn't he just handsome?  I swear I just bringing him to Kindergarten orientation, with my little red headed toddler and sporting a fairly large baby bump.
Now this lady.  Look at her.   She's in the 8th grade this year.  This chicky has such a great core group of friends; I just adore them all. She has some pretty hard classes this year.  In fact, she is actually taking a course right now that will give her a head start on her high school credits. 
My dear, Baby Girl.   That's exactly what and who she is, my Baby Girl.  Who has decided to go on and grow up and become a middle-schooler.  She has waited all her school life to finally get out of the elementary school and she is loving it!  She is following in momma's footsteps and will be the first of the kiddo's to play an instrument   Starting with my old flute.  :)
Look at this guy!  He kills me.  Bubba is officially at the higher end of the elementary school ladder.  Going into the 4th grade this year felt so....big.   There are going to be so many big and wonderful changes for him this year.  I remember just loving the 4th grade.
I have to say...that Mister and I.  We have some good looking babies!  I couldn't be more proud of each of them.
Look at how much they've changed in the last year!  Wild!


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