Our Oldest Graduates!

He did it!  He graduated!  I can't believe our first born has grown up and graduated high school!  

Family Photo with the Graduate

I'm going to let the pictures talk about this proud moment in our son's, and our lives.

Class of 2015

He is less than impressed I found him in the crowd of caps and gowns, but his sweet friend Rachel is thrilled
Receiving his diploma
Throwing their caps in the air
Life long buddies, soccer team mates, Kyle, Michael & Jacob 

Tim and I couldn't have done this party without the help of our family and our friends.
My husband slaved away at the grill all day making his famous bbq chicken.

Cupcakes made by one of my BFF's - Sarah

I honestly couldn't have done his party without the help of our friends and family.

We had my parents, my sister & her family came up from California, along with my husband's parents, his brother, and a lot of friends and family come help celebrate our son. 
My Mother-In-Law Charlene, and her sister Auntie Debbie

My Brother-In-Law, Troy

It was such a whirlwind weekend but it was so great to see everyone.  We are truly blessed by those in our life and who love us unconditionally.  Thank you to our friends and family.  We love you and couldn't go through this crazy life without you.


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