Holly Jolly Christmas

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!   Ours was fantastic!   We always start a few days before Christmas celebrating our son, Hotrod, and his birthday.   You can read about celebrating him here and here .
We spent Christmas Eve, evening with the Mister's side of the family.  We always have a great time hanging out with his parents, grandmother, Aunt's, Uncle's, cousins and their family's.  Which is always a blast!  My family lives in another state, it makes traveling around the holidays difficult.  There just never seems to be enough time.  I am very grateful, that if I can't be with my side of the family, that I get to be a part of the Mister's family.  There are nine great-grandchild for Grammie.  These cousins are growing up to be the best of friends, just like their parents are.  It warms my heart so much, knowing they will be so close as they grow older.  We gave a new game to one of the cousins for Christmas and it didn't take longer before they took up space right smack in the middle of the kitchen floor playing their new game Fibber.  Have you seen this game?   Santa ended up bringing it to us as well!  What are the chances?  :)  We can't wait for our family game night to try it out.

After we got home from our cousin's house, the first thing the kids noticed was that Santa and our Elf, "Jason", actually brought the kids their Christmas jammies.  They were so excited to see that Santa had dropped the jammies right down our chimney as he was rushing to visit all the other good boys and girls. 

(Everyone in their new jammies and ready for bed...and Santa to come)

 This Santa my mom made when I was a little girl.   It's been a part of our decorations for as long as I can remember and a big part of Christmas Eve for me.  Just love that he takes up residence on our couch next to the tree. 

 Here is our tree, after Santa arrived, and before the kids woke up in the morning.

Christmas Day was so low key, by far the most relaxing we've ever had, that it was simply wonderful. In fact, we all stayed in our jammies all day and didn't go anywhere. Ideal for me. We did have the Mister's parents, grandmother and one of his aunt's with her significant other, over for dinner on Christmas night for dinner.

(Our stockings were too heavy to be "Hung by the chimney with care")

Even our furry kids were relaxing and enjoying the present opening.

Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year!
How was your Christmas?   Did you get to relax all day like we did?   Or did you go to various family members homes?  How far did you have to travel to be with loved ones?


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